The European Light Rail Congress brings together many senior and key professionals from across Europe for two days of debate covering innovation and new technologies with light rail being a key driver to sustainable mobility. With presentations and exhibitions from some of the most innovative suppliers and service providers, this congress also includes two technical visits, an evening networking reception, exhibition, two-days of presentations and over eight hours of networking sessions!
For 2022, we are delighted to be returning the event in the beautiful city of Zaragoza with the support of our partners and key supporters at Tranvía Zaragoza, Mobility City and Fundación Ibercaja.
Confirmed speakers:
Natalia Chueca: Mobility Counselor, Zaragoza City Council, Antonio María Soriano Ibarra: Project Manager, Mobility City, Ana Moreno: CEO, Tranvía de Zaragoza, Nacho Celaya Vela: Autonomous Vehicle Technical Project Manager, CAF, Sonia Miguel: Product Manager, Teltronic, Malte Breiting: CEO, Pantoinspect, Jose Maria Carrasco: Sales Manager, Southern Europe, MENA & South America, Saft, Javier Ibáñez de Yrigoyen: Innovation Programme Manager, Europe’s Rail, Jorge Maroto: Director General, Metro de Sevilla/Globalvia, Thomas Kritzer: Head of Tramway Operations, Wiener Lienen, Helge Dorstewitz: New Lines Director, Luxtram, Gonzalo Del Cueto: Digitalisation Manager & Rolling Stock Maintenance Manager, CAF, Fernando Lozano Ruiz: Director General, Metro de Málaga, Alfredo Remon: Sales Manager & Business Developer, Bosch Engineering, Pablo Oromi: Project Manager, Metrotenerife, Ian Rowe: Director, Ian Rowe Associates, Matthias Klug: Managing Director, SEALABLE, Robert Wörfel: Product Manager TTS, SEALABLE, Mark Mitchell: Technical Director, Adfil, Frederic Deutzer: General Manager, Deutzer, Hans Cruse: Director, Spårvagnsstäderna.
(For the full schedule click here)
This year’s European Light Rail Congress timetable also includes exclusive tours of the Tranvía de Zaragoza Valdespartera depot and the CAF factory in Zaragoza.
For more information click here